My Role
Student in Make-10, a Georgia Tech design class, responsible for discovering a need for a user group of my choice, developing a working solution, and creating a viable method to manufacture and sell the product in a cottage Pinterest industry.
Target User
Patrons of a high-end grocery stores who are willing to pay more for a reusable grocery bag that represents their interest in sustainability.
Fabric reusable grocery bags do not stay upright you load them self-checkout, and they topple [along with your groceries] when the driver makes a sharp turn in the car.
Grocery store patrons can now use both hands when loading their bags at checkout and open the trunk with confidence that theit groceries stayed upright on the drive home.
- Interviewed classmates for shopping pain-points
- Observed shoppers in Trader Joes, Whole Foods, and Walmart
- Built and tested nine prototype bags in weekly shopping trips
- Delivered final reproducible bag design by end of course
Final Product
This collapsible origami shopping bag is easier to load in the checkout line and is harder to tip over when making a sharp turn on the drive home.
- Made of canvas and waxed thread
- Reinforced with particleboard panels
- Total cost of materials & labor: $77.08